The moist west coast winters can be a little grey, so I've been looking for colour on my walks. Here are a few images to counter the dull skies. These are from two walks -- one downtown and then over to Fernwood, and the other walking home from a knee x-ray at the Royal Jubilee. I decided my knee can't be too bad if it can get me home!
Part of a mural on a building on North Park Street |
Part of an intricate mural on a building in Fernwood, off Cook Street |
Continuation of the mural in the above photo. |
Another mural in the vicinity of the foregoing one. This one, in North Park, has simpler lines but still stands out with its bold colours. |
North Park mural continued |
Off Cook Street near Yates. A bold design for a muralled door. |
Street mural, corner of Richardson and Gonzales Streets. This was designed by Brianna Bear, and installed by Jesse Campbell, as part of the Greater Victoria Placemaking Initiative. I posted about a similar installation on Vancouver Street in July. See |
The same street painting, from a different angle. I love how the bright colours seemed to glow in the dull light. |
Outside a health practitioner clinic on Richmond Street |
And, a second image from the same health practitioner clinic. I enjoyed how the purple complements the yellow of the first figure, and the way the figures are articulated in their various joints to emphasize the message of movement. |
I can always count on finding some bright colour when I go through Chinatown.
Off Centennial Square, transitioning to Chinatown. |
In June Victoria celebrated the Year of the Tiger by painting the Chinese zodiac animals on a downtown crosswalk (see image below). Later this month, Chinese New Year welcomes the Year of the Rabbit.
Crosswalk on Government Street at Fisgard |
This building always brightens my spirits. (Note the photo is older, from September.) |
Mural in the Wharf Street area of downtown. For some reason this makes me think hot sun and Mexico! |
While the skies might be dull, nature still has bright colours, even in winter; they are just not so obvious. Here are a few hidden examples.
I hope my brief tour of colour has brightened your day in this time of limited light.
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